Grupo de Trabajo Español del IGCP 437
"Cambios medio-ambientales costeros durante altas paradas del nivel del mar" 
International Meetings

The first annual meeting will takeplace during the Research Conference on  9-12 November, 1999, University of Hawaii, Honolulu.
The Non-steady State of the Inner Shelf and Shoreline: Coastal Change on the Time Scale of Decades to Millennia: A scientif research conference, November 9-12, 1999, at the University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA

 The University of Hawaii, School of Ocean and Earth Science, and  Technology, IGCP-437 "Coastal Environmental Change During Sea-Level  Highstands," and conference sponsors, are pleased to announce a research  conference on Coastal Change (on the scale of decades to millenia).  Research presentations are invited on aspects of:

Publication Plans
  A special volume (or issue) of original research papers is planned.  Participants will be asked to indicate their willingness to prepare and  submit a full manuscript, following the meeting, to be considered for publication.
Interested parties may obtain a copy of the first circular by replying to:
            with your mailing address. Additionally, you may also submit a 2-page draft abstract (any format) for consideration, with your address, to the following:

                          Janet Kwak
                          University of Hawaii
                          Department of Geology and Geophysics
                          1680 East West Rd., POST 701
                          Honolulu, HI, USA 96822
                          Tel: +1-808 956 2363
                          Fax:+1-808 956 5512