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REFERENCES of the TASYO project
     Gulf of  Cádiz
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    Lowrie, A., Moffet,S., Somoza, L.,  Maestro, A.  and I. Lerche. 1999. Potential pressure Compartments Sub-Salt in the Gulf of Mexico and Sub-Massive Debris Flows in the Gulf of Cadiz. In: Advanced reservoir characterization for the twenty-first century,  19th Annual GCSSEPM Foundation Research Conference proceedings; December 5-8, 1999, Houston, Texas. 

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    Somoza, L.; Hernández-Molina, F.J.; de Andrés, J.R. y Rey, J. (1997). Continental shelf architecture and sea-level cycles: Late Quaternary high-resolution stratigraphy of the gulf of cadiz (Spain). Geo-Marine Letters, 17: 133-139.   

    Somoza, L., A. Lowrie & Maestro, A. 1999. Allochtonous Blocks as Hydrocarbon Traps in the Gulf of Cadiz.  Proceedings of the Offshore Technology Conference, OTC-10889: 571-577. ISSN 0160-3663 

    Somoza, L., B. M. Battista, and A. Lowrie. (2001). Gulf of Cadiz (Western Spain): Characterized by a Complex Petroleum System. In:  Petroleum Systems on Deep Water Basins: Global and Gulf of Mexico Experience, 21st Annual  Bob F. Perkins Research Conference 2001 GCSSEPM Meeting, Contribution nº 38. Houston, Texas, USA. 
    View the abstract at: 

    Somoza, L., Maestro, A. & Lowrie A. (1999).Proposal to Drill a Transect in the Gulf of Cadiz, Eastern Central North Atlantic. In: Abstract volume COMPLEX Conference on Multi-Platform Exploration Ocean Drilling Post-2003: pp.142.  25-29 May, Vancouver British Columbia, Canada. 

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    Flinch, J., Bally, A. and Wu, S.,1996, Emplacement of a passive-margin evaporitic allochthon in the Betic Cordillera of Spain: Geology, v. 24, 1, p. 67-70.   

    Hossack, J., 1995, Geometric rules of section balancing for salt structures, in M.P.A. Jackson, D.G. Roberts, and S., Snelson, eds., Salt tectonics: a global perspective: AAPG Memoir 65, p. 29-40.   

    Letouzey., J., Colletta, B., Vially, R. and Chermette, J.C., 1995, Evolution of salt-related structures in compressional settings, in M.P.A. Jackson, D.G. Roberts, and S., Snelson, eds., Salt tectonics: a global perspective: AAPG Memoir 65, p. 41-60. 

    Lowrie, A., Hamiter, R., Lerche, I., Petersen, K. And Egloff, J., 1996a, Isostacy again: explanation of salt movements: Offshore Technology Conference, OTC 8011, p.   

    Lowrie, A., Hamiter, R., Fogarty, M.A., Orsí, T. and Lerche, I., 1996b, Thermal and time-temperature index (TTI) patterns during geological evolution of north and central Gulf of Mexico: Gulf Coast Assoc. Geol. Societies Transactions, v. 46, p. 249-260. 

    Lowrie, A., Mackenzie, M.G., Guderion, E., Talbert, F.E., Lerche, I. and Pratsch, J.C., 1998. Sedimentary shattering as hidrocarbon migration avenues in salt-floored basins: a new migration paradigm : off-shore Technology Conference, OTC, 8600, p. 675-681.   

    Malloy, S., Petersen, K., Lerche, I. and Lowrie, A., 1996, Lateral variation of subsalt overpressure build-up in the Gulf of Mexico: Gulf Coast Assoc. Socities Transactions, v. 46, p. 271-280.   

    Peel, F.J., Travis, C.J., and Hossack, J.R., 1995, Genetic structures provinces and salt tectonics of the Cenozoic offshore U.S. Gulf of Mexico: a preliminary analysis, in M.P.A. Jackson, D.G. Roberts, and S., Snelson, eds., Salt tectonics: a global perspective: AAPG Memoir 65, p. 153-175   

    Rothwell, R.G., Thomson, J. and Kähler, G.H., 1998, Low-sea level emplacement of very large Late Pleistocene `megaturbidite´ in the western Mediterranean Sea: Nature, vol. 392, pp. 377-380.  

    Rowan, M.G., Jackson P.A., & Trudgill, B.D. 1999. Salt-related Fault Families and Fault Welds in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. AAPG Bulletin, v. 83. No. 9, pp. 1454-1484.  

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    Wü, S., Bally, A:W., and Cramez, C.,1990, Allochthonous salt, structure and stratigraphy of the north-eastern Gulf of Mexico. Part II: Structure : Marine and Petroleum Geology v .7, p. 334-370.   


    Haq, B. U. 1998, Gas Hydrates: Greenhouse Nightmare? Energy Panacea or Pipe Dream?. GSA Today, V 8, Nº 11 pp.1-6.  

    Henriet, J.P. et al., 1998, Gas hydrate crystals may help build reefs. Nature, V.391 pp.648-649.  

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    Dillon, W.P. 1995. Distribution and Controls on Gas Hydrate in the Ocean Floor Environment," (abstract), AAAS presentation.  

    Lowrie, A; Max, M.D.; Hamiter, R.; Lerche, I.; Bagirow, E., 1997, Hydrate Stability Zone Permanence Along Dynamic Louisiana Offshore. Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions, V.47, pp.311-315.  

    Lowrie, A., Moffet, S., Somoza, L.,  Maestro, A. &  Lerche, I. 1999: Potential pressure Compartments Sub-Salt in the Gulf of Mexico and Sub-Massive Debris Flows in the Gulf of Cadiz. Advanced Reservoir Characterization For The Twenty-first Century. 19th Annual GCSSEPM Foundation Research Conference; December 5-8, Houston, Texas.  

    Lowrie, A., Battista., Somoza L., Moffett & V. Makarov. 1999: Hydrocarbon Accumulations and Continental Margin Tectonics: Lateral Motions of the Gulf of Mexico, Gulf of Cadiz and Middle America Trench.  New Orleans Geological Society Congress, USA.  

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    Nisbet, E.G.; Piper, J.W., 1998, Giant submarine lanslides. Nature, V.392, pp.329-330.  

    Rothwell R.G.; Thomson J. & Kähler, G., 1998, Low-sea-level emplacement of a very large Late Pleistocene “megaturbidite” in the western Mediterranean Sea. Nature, V. 392, pp.377-380.  

    Gas charged sediments and slides  

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