Estado de los
Recursos Hídricos
Texto Actualizado a 10 de Marzo 2001
5th Session of the Commission on Sustainable Development, April 1997
New legislation regarding water resources has been enacted, and existing legislation reviewed. New institutional structures at national and regional levels were created for the management of water resources. Portugal is developing a strategy for the integrated management of coastal areas and water resources. This strategy includes an inventory of water use and sources of water pollution. A waste water discharge licensing system has been established. The Water Resources Planning Process has been started; the River Basin Plans and the National Water Resources Plan will be finished in the next two and three years respectively.
Water resources have been classified, and a Joint Programme to Combat Droughts was implemented in 1992/93. A model for forecasting droughts is being developed. Floods have been analysed and assessed, especially in the basin of the river Tagus. Radar is used for forecasting floods. Environmental impact studies are being carried out. Small-scale hydro projects are being analysed.
Trophic conditions of lakes and reservoirs in Alentejo and Algarve were assessed by using the Landsat TM digital imaging process. A management support system was established for the utilization of water resources in the Sado Valley. Quality assessments were carried out at the Bravura and Beliche reservoirs. At the river Guadiana basin, water resources were assessed, and a study was carried out on water erosion and sedimentation processes. In a number of river basins, hydro-development work was carried out. Irrigation perimeters were adjusted.
An evaluation of water quality was undertaken, including an assessment of contaminated surface and underground water. An underground water monitoring system was established.
A National Water Resources Information System has been created. Networks have been studied and improved, including the pluviometric, climatological, hydrometric, and piezometric network, the network for monitoring lakes and reservoirs, and the network for monitoring the quality of underground water.
The budgets for river basin plans amount to US$ 1,300,000 at the river Tejo, to US$ 500,000 at the Mondego basin, and to US$ 500,000 for the Cavado basin (each within 5 years).
Portugal cooperates with Spain on water resources management, and is involved in World Hydrological
This information was provided by the Government of Portugal to the fifth session of the United Nation Commission on Sustainable Development. Last Update: April 1997.
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