Joan Oro:

In Memoriam



Joan Oró: El adiós de un científico universal

Majestades: En resumen, la investigación espacial y la exploración del espacio han aportado muchos conocimientos básicos y prácticos al hombre. Así, pues con el análisis de las muestras lunares, se confirmaron las ideas fundamentales y las teorías cosmoquímicas sobre el sistema solar, conocimiento que ha representado un gran avance para la ciencia en general.

Pero tal vez lo más importante es que el hombre, al salir fuera de la tiera ha podido ver nuestro planeta desde una cierta distancia y se ha dado cuenta de lo pequeño que este es, de la fragilidad de la biósfera y de la finitud de los recursos terrestres. Esto tiene que imponer al hombre un espíritu de comprensión con lo que debe apelar a la necesidad de adoptar una actitud de cooperación para resolver nuestros problemas, ya sean los derivados del control del crecimiento de la población humana, de la distribución equitativa de los recursos terrestres o de la paz, puesto que desde el espacio no se distinguen las fronteras entre las naciones y se ve el planeta como un hogar único y común para todos los habitantes de la tierra, sin distinción de ninguna clase".

Joan Oró, Monasterio de San Jerónimo de la Murtra (Badalona), ante la presencia de Sus Majestades Los Reyes.  3 de Noviembre de 1993


Congreso Ibérico de Meteoritos..
Luna: 30 Aniversario
Carl Sagan: Homenaje
Meteorito/Molina de Segura
Bólidos y Meteoritos
Pseudometeorito de Getafe


Premio Joan Oró

IES Joan O

 Martinez-Frias, J. (2004) Joan Oró: El adiós de un científico universal. El Mundo. 4 Septiembre de 2004.

Guerrero, R. (2005) Joan Oró (1923-2004) International Microbiology 8: 63-68 (Magnífico artículo sobre la vida y obra del Profesor Oró)

Lámina conmemorativa de la asignación del nombre a el asteroide 25472 JoanoroMallorca Planetarium

Asteroide Joan Oró. Mallorca Planetarium



Opening Ceremony, from left to right: Ramon Garriga (Master of Ceremonies), Academic ViceChancellor, Simon Bolivar University (USB), Joan Oro (Co-Director), Chancellor,USB, Dr. Freddy Malpica, Julian Chela-Flores (Co-Director), Guillermo Lemarchand (Co-Director).

Biografía Astromía


Artículos seleccionados

Oró J. (1956). 14C-Formate Metabolism in Animal Tissues with Special Reference to the Mechanism of Formic Acid Oxidation (Doctoral thesis). Baylor University College of Medicine, Houston
Oró J., D.A. Rappoport (1957). Formate metabolism by animal tissues, I. Metabolism of formate-14C by isolated rabbit and rat jejunum. J. Biol. Chem. 224:489-498
Oró J, A. Kimball, R. Fritz, F. Master (1959) Amino acid synthesis from formaldehyde and hydroxylamine. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 85:115-130
Oró J. (1960) Synthesis of adenine from ammonium cyanide. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 2:407-412
Oró J. (1961). Comets and the formation of biochemical compounds on the primitive Earth. Nature 190:389-390 Oró J., S.S. Kamat (1961) Amino acid synthesis from hydrogen cyanide under possible primitive Earth conditions. Nature 190:442-443
Oró J., A.P. Kimball (1961) Synthesis of purines under possible primitive Earth conditions. I. Adenine from hydrogen cyanide. Arch. Biochem. Biophys 94:217-227
Oró J. (1961). Mechanism of synthesis of adenine from hydrogen cyanide under possible primitive Earth conditions. Nature 191:1193-1194
Oró J., A.P. Kimball (1962). Synthesis of purines under possible primitive Earth conditions, II. Purine intermediates from hydrogen cyanide. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 96:293-313
Oró J. (1963). Ultra-violet-absorbing compounds(s) reported present in the Murray meteorite. Nature 197:756-758
Oró J. (1963). Synthesis of organic compounds by electric discharges. Nature 197:862-867
Oró J. (1963). Synthesis of organic compounds by high energy electrons. Nature 197:971-974
Oró J., D.W. Nooner, A. Zlatkis, S.A. Wikström, E.S. Barghoorn (1965). Hydrocarbons of biological origin in sediments about two billion years old. Science 148:77-79
Oró J., T. Tornabene (1965). Bacterial contamination of some carbonaceous meteorites. Science 150:1046-1048
Oró J., J. Han (1966). High temperature synthesis of aromatic hydrocarbons from methane. Science 153:1393-1395
Oró J., D.W. Nooner (1967). Aliphatic hydrocarbons in pre-Cambrian rocks. Nature 213:1082-1085
Oró J., D.W. Nooner (1967). Aliphatic hydrocarbons in meteorites. Nature 213:1085-1087
Oró J., T.G. Tornabene, D.W. Nooner, E. Gelpi (1967). Aliphatic hydrocarbons and fatty acids of some marine and freshwater microorganisms. J. Bacteriol. 93:1811-1818
Tornabene T.G., E. Gelpi, J. Oró (1967). Identification of fatty acids and aliphatic hydrocarbons in Sarcina lutea by gas chromatography and combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. J. Bacteriol. 94:333-343 Tornabene T.G., E.O. Bennett, J. Oró (1967). Fatty acid and aliphatic hydrocarbon composition of Sarcina lutea grown in three different media. J. Bacteriol. 94:344-348
Tornabene T.G., J. Oró (1967). 14C Incorporation into the fatty acids and aliphatic hydrocarbons of Sarcina lutea. J. Bacteriol. 94:349-358
Oró J., E. Gelpi, D.W. Nooner (1968). Hydrocarbons in extraterrestial samples. J. Br. Interplan. Soc. 21:83-98
Gelpi E., J. Oró, H.J. Schneider, E.O. Bennett (1968). Olefins of high molecular weight in two microscopic algae. Science 161:700-702
Gelpi E., D.W. Noonerk, J. Oró (1969). Isoprenoids and other hydrocarbons in terrestrial gaphite. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 33:959-972
Tornabene T.G., M. Kates, E. Gelpi, J. Oró (1969). Occurrence of squalene, di-and tetrahydrosqualenes, and vitamin MK8 in an extremely halophilic bacterium, Halobacterium cutirubrum. J. Lipid Res. 10:294-303
Simmonds P.G., A.J. Bauman, E.M. Bollin, E. Gelpi, J. Oró (1969). The unextractable organic fraction of the Pueblito de Allende meteorite: Evidence for its indigenous nature. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 64:1027-1034
Gelpi E., H. Schneider, J. Mann, J. Oró (1970). Hydrocarbons of geochemical significance in microscopic algae. Phytochemistry 9:603-612
Schneider H., E. Gelpi, E.O. Bennett, J. Oró (1970). Fatty acids of geochemical significance in microscopic algae. Phytochemistry 9:613-617
Nakaparksin S., P. Birrell, E. Gil-Av, J. Oró (1970) Gas chromatography with optically active stationary phases: Resolution of amino acids. J. Chromat. Sci. 8:177-182
Gibert J.M., J. Oró (1970). Gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric determination of potential contaminant hydrocarbons of Moon samples. J. Chromat. Sci. 8:295-296
Oró J., W.S. Updegrove, J. Gibert, J. McReynolds, E. Gil-Av, J. Ibanez, A. Zlatkis, D.A. Flory, R.L. Levy, C. Wolf (1970). Organogenic elements and compounds in surface samples from the Sea of Tranquillity. Science 167:765-767
Levy R.L., C.J. Wolf, M.A. Grayson, J. Gilber, E. Gelpi, W.S. Updegrove, A. Zlatkis, J. Oró (1970). Organic analysis of the Pueblito de Allende meteorite. Nature 227:148-150
Segura R., J. Oró, A. Zlatkis (1970). Resolution of steroid glucuronides by thin-layer chromatography on polyamide. J. Chromatogr. Sci. 8:449- 451
Gibert J., D. Flory, J. Oró (1971). Identity of a common contaminant of Apollo 11 Lunar fines and Apollo 12 York meshes. Nature 229:33-34
Oró J., J. Gibert, H. Lichtensteink, S. Wikstrom, D.A. Flory (1971). Amino acids, aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons in the Murchison meteorite. Nature 230:105-106
Oró J., S. Nakaparksin, H. Lichtenstein, E. Gil-Av (1971). Configuration of amino-acids in carbonaceous chondrites and a pre-Cambrian chert. Nature 230:107-108
Stephen-Sherwood E., J. Oró, A.P. Kimball (1971). Thymine: A possible prebiotic synthesis. Science 173:446-447
Wolman Y., S.L. Miller, J. Ibanez, J. Oró (1971). Formaldehyde and ammonia as precursors to prebiotic amino acids. Science 174:1039-1040
Nooner D.W., J. Oró; J.M. Gibert,V.L. Ray, J.E. Mann (1972). Ubiquity of hydrocarbons in nature: Aliphatic hydrocarbons in weathered limestone. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 36:953-959
Oró J. (1972). Extraterrestrial organic analysis. Space Life Sci. 3:507-550. Doctor V.M., J. Oró (1972). Non-enzymic ?-decarboxylation of aspartic acid. J. Mol. Evol. 1:326-333
Macdonald E.J., H. Lichtenstein, D. Nooner, D. Flory, S. Wikstrom, J. Oró (1973). Epidemiological factors in lung cancer among women in El Paso County, Texas, 1944-1969. J. Am. Med. Women’s Assoc.28:459-467
Nooner D.W, W.S. Updegrove, D.A. Flory, J. Oró, G. Mueller (1973). Isotopic and chemical data of bitumens associated with hydrothermal veins from Windy Knoll, Derbyshire, England. Chem. Geol.11:189-202
Nooner D.W., J. Oró, J. Cerbulis (1973). Paraffinic hydrocarbon composition of earthworms (Lumbricus terrestris). Lipids 8:489-492
Nooner D.W., J. Oró (1974). Direct synthesis of polypeptides. Polycondensation of amino acids by polymetaphosphate esters. J. Mol. Evol. 3:79-88
Nissenbaum A., D.H. Kenyon, J. Oró (1975). On the possible role of organic melanoidin polymers as matrices for prebiotic activity. J. Mol. Evol. 6:253-270
Holzer G., J. Oró, W. Bertsch (1976). Gas chromatographic-mass spectrometic evaluation of exhaled tobacco smoke. J. Chromatogr. 126:771-785
Biemann K., J. Oró, P. Toulmin III, L.E. Orgel, A.O Nier, D.M. Anderson, P.G. Simmonds, D. Flory, A.V. Diaz, D.R. Rushneck, J.A. Biller (1976).
Search for organic and volatile inorganic compounds in two surface samples from the Chryse Planitia region of Mars. Science 194:72-76
Biemann K., J. Oró, P. Toulmin III, L.E. Orgel, A.O. Nier, D.M. Anderson, P.G. Simmonds, D. Flory, A.V. Díaz, D.R. Rushneck, J.E. Biller, A.L.
Lafleur (1977). The search for organic substances and inorganic volatile compounds in the surface of Mars. J. Geophys. Res. 82:4641-4658
Holzer G, J. Oró (1977). Pyrolysis of organic compounds in the presence of ammonia. The Viking Mars lander site alteration experiment. Org. Geochem. 1:37-52.
Tornabene T.G, R.S. Wolfe, W.E. Balch, G. Holzer, G.E. Fox, J. Oró (1978). Phytanyl-glycerol ethers and squalenes in the Archaebacterium Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum. J. Mol. Evol. 11:259-266
Tornabene T.G., T.A. Langworthy, G. Holzer, J. Oró (1979). Squalenes, phytanes and other isoprenoids as major neutral lipids of methanogenic and thermoacidophilic “Archaebacteria”. J. Mol. Evol.13:73-83
Holzer G., J. Oró (1979). The organic composition of the Allan Hills carbonaceous chondrite (77306) as determined by pyrolysis-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and other methods. J. Mol. Evol. 13:265-270
Oró J., G. Holzer (1979). The photolytic degradation and oxidation of organic compounds under simulated Martian condition. J. Mol. Evol.14:153-160
Deamer D.W., J. Oró (1980). Role of lipids in prebiotic structures. Biosystems 12:167-175
Rao M., D.G. Odom, J. Oró (1980). Clays in prebiological chemistry. J. Mol. Evol. 15:317-331
Holzer G., J. Oró, S.J. Smith, V.M. Doctor (1980). Separation of monosaccharides as their alditol acetates by capillary column gas chromatography. J. Chromatogr. 194:410-415
Giner-Sorolla A., J. Oró (1981). Mutagens and carcinogens: Occurrence and role during chemical and biological evolution. In: Wolman Y. (ed.) Origins of Life. Reidel, Dordrecht, 583-588
Hawker J.R. Jr., J. Oró (1981). Cyanamide mediated synthesis of peptides containing histidine and hydrophobic amino acids. J. Mol. Evol.17:285-294
Bar-Nun A., A. Lazcano-Araujo, J. Oró (1981). Could life have evolved in cometary nuclei? Orig. Life 11:388-394
Rao M., J. Eichberg, J. Oró (1982). Synthesis of phosphatidylcholine under possible primitive Earth conditions. J. Mol. Evol. 18:196-202
Oró J., K. Rewers, D. Odom (1982). Criteria for the emergence and evolution of life in the Solar system. Orig. Life 12:285-305
Odom, D., T. Yamrom, J. Oró (1983). Prebiotic oligodeoxynucleotide synthesis in a cyclic evaporating system at low temperatures. Adv. Space Res.
Bada J.L., J.R. Cronin, M-S. Ho, K.A. Kvenvolden, J.G. Lawless, S.L. Miller, J. Oró, S. Steinberg (1983). On the reported optical activity of amino acids in the Murchison meteorite. Nature 301:494-497
Basile B.P, B.S. Middleditch, J. Oró (1984). Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the Murchison meteorite. Org. Geochem. 5:211-216
Yuasa S., D. Flory, B. Basile, J. Oró (1984). Abiotic synthesis of purines and other heterocyclic compounds by the action of electrical discharges. J. Mol. Evol. 21:76-80
Baeza I., M. Ibañez, J.C. Santiago, C. Wong, A. Lazcano, J. Oró (1986). Studies on precellular evolution: The encapsulation of polyribonucleotides by liposomes. Adv. Space Res. 6:39-43
Mar A., J. Dworkin, J. Oró (1987). Non-enzymatic synthesis of the coenzymes, uridine diphosphate glucose and cytidine diphosphate choline, and other phosphorylated metabolic intermediates. Orig. Life 187:307-319
Lazcano A., J. Fastag, O. Gariglio, C. Ramirez, J. Oró (1988). On the early evolution of RNA polymerase. J. Mol. Evol. 27:365-376
Lazcano A., R. Guerrero, L. Margulis, J. Oró (1988). The evolutionary transition from RNA to DNA in early cells. J. Mol. Evol. 27:283-290
Oró J., T. Mills (1989). Chemical evolution of primitive Solar system bodies. Adv. Space Res. 9:105-120
Shen C., L. Yang, S.L. Miller; J. Oró (1990). Prebiotic synthesis of histidine. J. Mol. Evol. 31:175-179
Shen C., T. Mills, J. Oró (1990). Prebiotic synthesis of histidyl-histidine. J. Mol. Evol.31:175-179
Shen, C., A. Lazcano, J. Oró (1990). The enhancement effects of histidyl-histidine in some prebiotic reactions. J. Mol. Evol. 31:445-452
Mar A., J. Oró (1991). Synthesis of the coenzymes adenosine diphosphate glucose, guanosine diphosphate glucose, and cytidine. Diphosphoethanolamine under primitive Earth conditions. J. Mol. Evol. 32:201-210
Wong C., J.C. Santiago, L. Rodríguez-Páez, M. Ibáñez, I. Baeza, J. Oró (1991). Synthesis of putrescine under possible primitive Earth conditions. Orig. Life Evol. Biosph. 21:145-156
Oró J., T. Mills, A. Lazcano (1992). The cometary contribution to prebiotic chemistry. Adv. Space Res. 12:33-41 Velasco A.M., L. Medrano, A. Lazcano, J. Oró (1992). A redefinition of the Asp-Asp domain of reverse transcriptase. J. Mol. Evol. 35:551-556
Baumann U., J. Oró (1993). Three stages in the evolution of the genetic code. BioSystems 29:133-141
Oró J. (1994). Chemical synthesis of lipids and the origin of life. J. Biol. Phys. 20:135-147
Oró J., T. Mills, A. Lazcano (1995). Comets and life in the Universe. Adv. Space Res. 15:81-90
Oró, J. (1995). Cosmochemical evolution and the origin of life. Microbiol. SEM 11:145-160
Macià E., V. Hernandez; J. Oró (1997). Primary sources of phosphorus and phosphates in chemical evolution. Orig. Evol. Biosph. 27:459-480
Levy. M., S.L. Miller, J. Oró (1999). Production of guanine from NH4CN polymerization. J. Mol. Evol. 49:165-169
Oró J. (2002). Historical understanding of life’s beginnings. In: Schopf J. W. (ed.) Life’s Origin. The Beginnings of Biological Evolution. University
of California Press, Berkeley, pp.7-45.







The Meteoritical Society

Encyclopedia of Meteorites

Joan Oró, uno de los ilustres participantes en la fiesta de la astronomía de 1993, junto al planetario hinchable y a su autógrafo dedicado a la Agrupación Astronómica de Castelldefels.Foto Cortesía: Agrupación Astronómica de Castelldefels

Artículos internacionales seleccionados. Foro MERGE 

Impactos en España

Estructura de Azuara

La excelente colección de meteoritos del MNCN

Bolas de Fuego y Meteoritos .

Molina de Segura: Mayor meteorito de España

Periodicidad meteoritos vs. megacryometeors

Marcadores de impactos de meteoritos

Meteoritos en el desierto de Atacama

Polimorfos de alta presión en España (Gasco)

Cráteres y Análogos terrestres

Meteoritos asteroidales y de Marte (espectroscopía Raman)

Calcita en el mesosiderito Vaca Muerta

Raman spectroscopy/Mars

Sobre origen de la osbornita en polvo cometario (Stardust)

Meteorito de Valencia (primer meteorito catalogado en España en 50 años)

Importancia astrobiológica del polvo de carbono en sistemas planetarios

Meteoritos y Bacterias

Pseudometeorito de Getafe

Jaroso Hydrothermal System

Komatiitas y Astrobiología



Río Tinto/Sub-surface Geology - Marte

Río Tinto/M.A.R.T.E. project

Geología Planetaria - UNESCO


Escala de Torino

Impactos meteoríticos

Calculador de Impacto

Meteoritos asteroidales

Meteoritos de Marte

Meteoritos de la Luna

Polvo cósmico (sensu lato)



ERICA (Unidad Asociada UVA-CSIC) 

Museo Español del Espacio


Permanent (Space Resources)





Observatorio Astronómico Nacional


Minor Planet Center

USGS Astrogeology

NASA Leonids (MAC Project)

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