Research on Asteroidal and Mars Meteorites
by Jesús Martínez-Frías
Planetary Geology Laboratory, Centro de Astrobiologia (CSIC-INTA), SPAIN
Associated to the NASA Astrobiology Institute
Main topics of research
Meteorite-related publications
Meteorite-related projects
Spanish Thematic Network of 
Meteorites and Planetary Geology
European Planetology Network

Main selected topics of research

Carbonaceous chondrites

Mineralogy, textures and micro-Raman spectroscopy of Allende meteorite
Ordinary chondrites

Cangas de Onís, Nulles, Valencia and Reliegos chondrites
Study of shocked ordinary chondrites

Carbonates in  Vaca Muerta
SNC meteorites

Nakhla meteorite

Study of the meteorite collection of the Spanish Natural History Museum, Madrid

Theses supervision

Getafe pseudometeorite


SCI journals and international books

Martinez-Frias, J. and Lunar, R. (2008) Molina de Segura: the largest meteorite fall in Spain. Astronomy & Geophysics (in press-accepted). 

Martinez-Frias, J., Nna-Mvondo, D. & Rodríguez-Losada, J.A. (2007) Stardust's hydrazine (N2H4) fuel: a potential contaminant for the formation of titanium nitride (osbornite) Energy & Fuels 21: 1822-1823.

Muñoz-Caro, G. & Martínez-Frías, J. (2006) Carbonaceous Dust in Planetary Systems: Origin and Astrobiological Significance. In Krüger, H. & Graps, A. (Eds), Dust in Planetary Systems, ESA/SP-643, 133-138.

Muñoz, C., Guerra, N., Martínez-Frías, J., Lunar, R. & Cerda, J. (2007) The Atacama Desert: A preferential arid environment for the recovery of meteorites ? find location features and strewnfield distribution patterns Journal of Arid Environments, 71-2: 188-200

González-Toril, E., Martinez-Frias, J., Gomez Gomez, J.M., Rull, F. & Amils, R. (2005) Iron-meteorites can support the growth of acidophilic chemolithoautrophic  microorganisms  Astrobiology 5-3:406-414. 

Rull, F.,  Martinez-Frias, J., Sansano, A. Medina, J. &  Edwards, H.G.M. (2004) A comparative micro-Raman study of Nakhla and Vaca Muerta meteorites. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 35: 497-503 

Martínez-Frías, J. Benito, R. Wilson, G. Delgado, A. Boyd, T. & Marti, K. (2004) Analysis and chemical composition of larnite-rich ultrarefractory materials. Journal of Materials Processing Technology 147-2: 204-210 (pseudometeorite)

Martínez-Frías, J. & Madero, J. (2004) The Iberian Fireball of 4 January 2004 Interdisciplinary Science Reviews 29-2: 1-6.

Martínez-Frías, J. Benito, R. Wilson, G. Delgado, A. Boyd, T. & Marti, K. (2004) Analysis and chemical composition of larnite-rich ultrarefractory materials. Journal of Materials Processing Technology 147-2: 204-210. 

Muñoz-Espadas, MªJ., Rull, Martínez-Frías, J. & Lunar, R. (2004) "Condritas" In: Martinez-Frias, J. & Madero, J. (eds) Meteoritos y Geología Planetaria  (in press).

Rull, F. & Martínez-Frías, J. (2003) Identification of calcite grains in the Vaca Muerta mesosiderite by Raman spectroscopy. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 34: 367-370.

Muñoz-Espadas, M.J., Martínez-Frías, J., Lunar, R., Sánchez, B. & Sánchez, J. (2002) The meteorite collection of the National Museum of Natural Sciences,  Madrid, Spain: An update of the catalog. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 37 Supplement 89-95.

Muñoz, J., Martínez-Frías, J., Lavielle, B. y Gilabert, E. (1999) “First approved meteorite in Spain in 50 years. Geotimes 44-9: 8-10

Martinez-Frias, J., Weigel, A., Marti, K., Boyd, T, Wilson, G.H. & Jull, T. (1999) The Getafe rock: Fall, composition and cosmic ray records of an unusual ultrarefractory scoriaceous material. Rev. Metalurgia 35: 308-315. (pseudometeorite)

Spanish journals

Martinez-Frias, J.., Lunar, R. & Rull, F. (2004) Mineralogía espacial: de los meteoritos a la exploración de Marte Macla I: 11-18.

Martinez-Frias, J., Benito, R., Delgado, A. & Rodríguez-Losada, J.A. (2004) "Meteoritos versus rocas terrestres: el seudometeorito de Getafe" Macla 2: 55-56.

Muñoz-Espadas, M.J., Martínez-Frías, J. Y Lunar , R. (2003) Mineralogía, texturas y cosmoquímica de cóndrulos RP y PO en la condrita Reliegos L5 Geogaceta 34: 35-39..

Muñoz-Espadas M.J., Martínez-Frías J. and Lunar R. (2002) Texturas de metamorfismo de impacto en condritas ordinarias: aplicación a las condritas de Cañellas, Olmedilla de Alarcón, Reliegos y Olivenza (abstract). XXII Reunión Anual de la Sociedad Española de Mineralogía. Bol. Sociedad Española de Mineralogía 25-A,  71-72.

Martinez-Frias, J. (1998) “La roca de Getafe: trayectoria de caída, efectos del impacto y marcadores morfotexturales de vuelo” Geogaceta 25: 215-218.

Martínez-Frías, J., Rodríguez, J.A., García Guinea, J. & Benito, R. (1989) "Mineralogía y texturas del meteorito de Nulles. Colección del MNCN (Madrid)" Geogaceta 6: 5-7.

Martínez-Frías, J., García Guinea, J. & Benito, R. (1989) "Los Meteoritos. La Colección del Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales de Madrid" Mundo Científico 9, 93: 742-750.


Structural and crystalchemical characterization of meteorites and meteorite impact materials by laser-micro Raman spectroscopy
PI: Prof. F. Rull
Project Member: J. Martinez-Frias
Asteroidal and planetary meteorites
PI: J. Martinez-Frias
Impact processes: Geology and simulation
PI: J. Ormo