TASYO / GADES Multidisciplinary  Marine Research Group

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INDEX: Project information

PUBLICATIONS / Publicaciones

Sedimentary Processes and Seafloor Hydrocarbon Emission on Deep European Continental Margins
Marine Geology Volume 195, Issues 1-4, Pages 1-324 (30 March 2003)
Edited by M.K. Ivanov, N.H. Kenyon, A.E. Suzyumov, J. Woodside

Communications presented at EGS - AGU - EUG Joint Assembly, Nice, France, April 2003

Session OS16 Gas Hydrates and Role of Methane in the Marine Environment
Session BG8 Methane fluxes on Earth: budgets and biological controls
Session TS14 Continental breakup above mantle plumes: Africa, the North Atlantic, etc.

BSCW Shared workspace (Only for researchers)
BSCW  Area de trabajo compartida

Submarine chimneys in the Gulf of Cádiz
Photo-gallery and first report of iron & methane-derived carbonate chimneys collected during the Anastasya/2000 cruise aboard R/V CORNIDE DE SAAVEDRA (Sep 2000)
/Primera vez que se descubren chimeneas submarinas en el Golfo de Cadiz. Campaña oceanográfica ANASTASYA/2000 a bordo del CORNIDE DE SAAVEDRA

Gas Hydrates in the Gulf of Cádiz
Photo-gallery of gas hydrates collected during TTR10 cruise (R/V Logachev), July  2000
/Gases hidratados en el Golfo de Cádiz. Un potencial económico? Campaña oceanográfica a bordo del buque oceanográfico ruso PROF. LOGACHEV

TASYO 2000 cruise BIO Hespérides
Multibeam, multifold and ultra-high resolution seismic data adquired aboard R/V HESPERIDES (Apr-May 2000)
/Campaña oceanografica a bordo del HESPERIDES (batimetria multihaz, sismica multicanal y de ultra alta resolución)

Research topics:  Frequently Unsolved Questions (FUQ)
Oceanographic Cruises
NEWS: Meetings, Congress.....
DRILL PROPOSAL TO ODP PROJECT Post 2003 Scientific Ocean Drilling
Electronic box

Group Projects

1999-2001TASYO Tecto-sedimentary and Olistostromic processes from the shelf to the abyssal plains (MAR-98-0209).Project chief: Luis Somoza (Marine Geology Dv. IGME Geological Survey of Spain)

2002-2003 GADES An integrated approach to gas hydrates, sea-floor methane fluxes, biomineralizations and deep chemosyntectic ecosystems in the Pliocene and Quaternary reservoirs of the Gulf of Cadiz: Geophysical, geochemical and micro/biology characterisation. Project chiefs: Luis Somoza (Marine Geology Dv. IGME Geological Survey of Spain) and Victor Diaz del Rio (Instituto Español de Oceanografía)

Related Projects

VOLTAIRE  (Valuation Of Large Tsunamis And Iberia Risk for Earthquakes)
Project chief: Nevio Zitellini (IGM-CNR Italy)
Joint research project between  Istituto di Geologia Marina (IGM-CNR),    Instituto de Ciências da Terra e do Espaço (ICTE),  Università degli Studi di Bologna (DSTGA-UNIBO), Università degli Studi di Parma (DST-UNIPR.
Participating institution: ISMAR-CNR (formerly IGM), CGUL, DSTGA-UNIBO, IGM-Portugal, CIMA-Ualg, IJA-CSIC, UNIBREST, IGME
by N. Zitellini, M. Ligi, L. Matias, M. Rovere & the Shipboard Scientific Parties Reproduced by IGM-CNR from camera-ready proofs supplied by the authors.

UNESCO-IOC TTR (Training Trough Research) Programme. Coordinator: Michael Ivanov (Moscow State University, Rusia).

2002-2005 MATESPRO (Portugal) : Major Tectonic and Sedimentary Processes in the Portuguese Margins. Estudos e prospecção dos recursos do solo e subsolo marinhos na Zona Económica Exclusiva Nacional (Continente, Açores, Madeira). Project chief: Luis Mendes Victor

2001-2003 CADISAR (France): Processus Sédimentaires sous l´action de courants de contour et courants gravitaires, paleocirculations. Project chief: Thierry Mulder

2002-2005 Prisme Atlantide (France) (Programme ATIP, INSU/CNRS):
The deep structure of the acretionary wedge and natural hazard in the Gulf of Cádiz. Project chief: Marc-Andre Gustcher

    RESEARCH TOPICS : State of Art and Frequently Unsolved Questions (FUQ)
El gas "Helado Inflamable": el futuro de la investigación de los fondos marinos para la próxima decada

The term "Olistostrome" of the Gulf of Cadiz: the westward travel of  Mediterranean mega-allochthonous to reach the Atlantic ocean crust?
The "Off-shore" Betic-Rifian accretionary prism: A step from passive to active margin ?
Salt tectonics and gravitational gliding:"The Cádiz Salt Nappe"
Methane hidrates, slopes and slumps: see a animated slumps
Mega-submarine slides, tsunamis and recent earthquakes:Tsunamis in the Gulf of Cádiz
The "Mediterranean drift currents": strong deep-currents along the margin
Stratigraphy architecture of the shelf wedges:the role of high-frequency sea-level cycles and forced regressions
Submarine canyons, turbidites vs countorites
Recent publications: submitted and incoming papers with abstracts
Thematic  references: Gulf of Cádiz, Salt tectonics, Drift currents

Funded by the Marine and Science Technology Programme CYTMAR MAR98-0209
Scientific Chief : Luis Somoza Losada
Marine Geology Dv., IGME-MCYT  Geological Survey of Spain
Geología Marina, IGME Instituto Geológico y Minero de España