INQUA 2019. Dublin, Ireland 25th - 31th july 2019
We are pleased to announce that registration for the
20th INQUA Congress is now open!
Please click on the button below to register for the congress.
Register Now.
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Earthquake Geosurvey 1.1 - Android-based application
The first version of the android-based application, called Earthquake Geo Survey 1.1, for documenting earthquake environmental effects (EEE) is available in Google Play ready to be installed in your smart-phone or tablet. The app has been developed and designed by George Papathanassiou and Vasilis Kopsachilis (University of Thessaloniki, Greece: in the framework of the TERPRO INQUA Project 1299 EEE Metrics (I.F.A. Paleoseismology and Active Tectonics). The app displays an “easy to use” interface for EEE survey based on the INQUA ESI-07 Macroseismic Scale. One of the most important and useful functions of the app is the activation of GPS receiver and consequently the creation of waypoints and the geo-tagging of the acquired information and digital photos, which can be latter transferred to kmz files for their visualization and management in Google-Earth.
The application will be formally presented in the next International Workshop on Paleoseismology to be held next October 2013 in Aachen (Germany). Further versions will be extended to iphone and apple-tablet users.
As attachment, you can find a flyer that can be used for promoting Earthquake Geo Survey 1.1. Please be free to distribute this information among your colleagues.
The link for visiting and downloading the app is:
Google Play.
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